Quick but Important Newsletter!

This week we worked hard on iReady and on our math test. We have finished iReady reading and math, we are almost done with the math test. I will send home the iReady scores soon. There is a lot happening in the next 9 days and I want you to be aware of it:

Tuesday, June 4- The Naturalist is coming to our room at 9:15

Tuesday, June 4- Send in a bag for your student’s art projects

Friday, June 7 – Field Day from 9:10-12:10- I sent a note home earlier this week about field day, if you did not see it you can find it on our website.

The last day of school is on Thursday, June 13 and it is a half day. We will have a snack but we will not have lunch.

PLEASE send your child to school, every day including the half day, with his/her backpack. I have been trying to send things home so on the last day your child is not overloaded with materials.

Your child will receive his/her yearbook on the last day of school, so please come to school. I cannot send home the yearbooks early. School funding is based partly on attendance.

On Wednesday, June 12 and Thursday, June 13 of next week we will be working with paint and shaving cream, so please dress appropriately.   The shaving cream takes the marks off the desks and tables.

It is a sad time as the year is coming to an end. I need to return all the books that came in the book bags to the library. If you have any books or books bags still at home, please return them as soon as possible.

Also, if your child accidentally brought home any toys, please send them back in. They will not be in any trouble. Most of the materials in the classroom I personally bought and use the same toys and reading books every year. I understand how children put toys in their pockets and forget that it is there.  I am missing many toys and books.

Thank you for a wonderful year. This is one of the best group of children I have ever had the privilege of teaching.  They will do wonderful things with their life! I hope you had a wonderful time in kindergarten and I wish you the best in first grade.

Important Dates 2019-2020

August 16 after 4:00 pm- Check Skyward to find out your child’s first-grade teacher

Tuesday, August 27- First Day of School

Friday, August 30- No School.